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August 29, 2024
Price Insurance

5 Ways to Prevent Water Damage to Your Home

Water damage can wreak havoc on the structure and contents of your home, often leading to extensive damage and expensive repairs. These incidents may arise from many situations, including heavy rains, sewer backups, leaky pipes and rapid snowmelt. Given how even a small amount of water can lead to costly and long-term consequences, you should […]
July 15, 2024
Price Insurance

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Water Damage?

Water damage is a common and costly issue for homeowners. Whether it’s from a burst pipe or a leaking appliance, understanding your insurance coverage is crucial. Which Types of Water Damage Are Covered by Homeowners Insurance? Homeowners insurance can typically cover the following types of water damage: Sudden and accidental damage—Homeowners insurance typically covers the […]
June 27, 2024
Price Insurance

The Importance of Home Maintenance for Insurance Coverage

Home insurance is an advisable and often required investment for homeowners. These policies can be critical in financially protecting you, your family and your property. Consider ways you can optimize the cost-effectiveness of your premiums and potentially limit the likelihood of needing to file a claim. One key strategy for achieving these goals is to […]

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