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August 29, 2024
Price Insurance

5 Ways to Prevent Water Damage to Your Home

Water damage can wreak havoc on the structure and contents of your home, often leading to extensive damage and expensive repairs. These incidents may arise from many situations, including heavy rains, sewer backups, leaky pipes and rapid snowmelt. Given how even a small amount of water can lead to costly and long-term consequences, you should take ample steps to prevent them.

Limiting Water Damage Losses white and red wooden house miniature on brown table

Protecting your home from water damage can require a multistep approach. Consider the following strategies:

  1. Fortify your basement. Make sure your basement’s walls, floors and windows are sealed and that you have graded your property so that water drains away from your home. Consider also installing a backwater valve, which can help prevent sewer backups.
  2. Maintain infrastructure and equipment. Inspect your indoor plumbing systems, showers and tubs regularly. You should also regularly check any appliances that use water, such as water heaters, dishwashers and refrigerators with ice makers. Pay particular attention to hoses and faucets and replace any that have cracks or leaks.
  3. Check the exterior. Caulk and seal all windows and inspect your roof to ensure there are no loose shingles or cracks that may allow water to seep in. Additionally, make sure your gutters and downspouts are clear to ensure rainwater and snowmelt can drain properly.
  4. Reposition your possessions. Take steps to protect the contents of your home from water damage, such as by using waterproof bins for storage. If flood conditions are expected, elevate furniture and other valuables off the ground or move them to a higher level of your home.
  5. Consider insurance. While some water damage is often covered by homeowners insurance, standard policies generally exclude floods (i.e., when water enters your home from outdoors). Explore additional coverage options to ensure you have the right financial protections in place to limit the out-of-pocket consequences of water damage.

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This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information. 

Categories: Home

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